5 Lessons I learned in 2020

 Hey guys!! I just wanted to share with you guys a few things that I have learned over the past year and hopefully it helps or inspires you in some way!

1) Some of the most difficult or unexpected situations in life actually help propel us into our purpose. Although 2020 and the global pandemic has been a difficult one, it was almost like a pause button and was a great opportunity for me to accomplish goals and pursuits that I would have otherwise put off. 

2) Adversity builds resilience. If it's anything this past year has taught me, is how truly strong I am, and I am sure this is true for many of you. 2020 has stretched us all beyond limits that we never knew even existed, and shaped and built our characters. I feel now that no matter how difficult life gets, I am capable of getting through every test.

3) Life is short as is often said, but 2020 has taught me it's shorter. It has taught me that I need to do everything I want to do now, to stop putting off any ambitions or aspirations, because all we have is really NOW! So go after your dreams guys, stop procrastinating, do it while you still can and live with no regrets.

4) It has taught me to be present and live in the present moment. To stop getting so caught up with social media and things that don't add any true value to life. It has taught me to appreciate life, so be present guys, go out and enjoy your own company and that of your loved ones. BE PRESENT.

5) It has taught me the importance of really falling in love with yourself and the pertinence of self care. It all begins with you. Learn to put your needs first, learn to love yourself, take care of yourself and everything else will fall in line. You are indeed your GREATEST asset, always remember this!

Ok guys, so those were my 5 lessons for 2020! Let me also take this time to wish you peace, joy, strength, protection, success, and all the best for 2021 and may you always know how amazing you are! I look forward to providing you with great content in the new year and I anticipate your continued support! If you enjoyed this, please feel free to follow and leave a comment below. Until my next post, stay safe and be blessed! 💙

The Relationship between the current Global Pandemic (COVID-19) and Depression

 Hey guys! This is not of travel or poetry nature, but I wrote this recently and in light of the times we are facing, I just thought it would be great to share. Feel free to leave any comments below, and I hope you enjoy! 💙

Depression is classified as a mental disorder, and more specifically falls under the classification of Disorders of Emotion. Common symptoms include sadness, feelings of helplessness and lacking the desire to do regular activities. With the emergence of the current global pandemic, depression has arisen and negatively impacted the lives of many people across the globe, who are trying to come to terms with "the new normal." Due to the seriousness of this deadly disease, many rules and protocols have been put in place to keep persons safe amidst these unprecedented times and circumstances. Persons have been mandated to social distance, are unable to attend social events and gatherings, or see family and friends in many instances. The important and crucial aspects of life such as social interaction and physical touch  have been abruptly stripped away, forcing people to have to grapple with a very sad new reality. For those, for example, extroverts who thrive on elements such as social interaction, this has been extremely difficult. This new reality has plunged many people across the world into depression and depressive states, many being unable to grasp and cope with these changes. Many countries having had to mandate lockdowns or shutdowns to slow the spread of this disease, and this has left people stuck at home for periods of time that they have never experienced. For some in abusive or just unpleasant home situations, this has led to the rise of this mental disorder. Not being able to go out and do things for fun, meet up with friends for example, has taken a heavy negative impact mentally on many persons. The strain has also been seen on parents, who now have to get used to having their children for extended periods that they are not use to, homeschooling them, which are added pressures. This has also created a stressful environment for children themselves, who are unable to be as active and interact, play or hang out with friends. It has also tested romantic relationships, as well as relationships amongst family members, who have had to be around each other way more often than they usually do. All these factors have lent to the rise in depression in many persons, and is evident as this tragic event rages on. My recommendation would be in the midst of this negative situation and these trying times, that persons experiencing depression try to turn it into a positive. Use this downtime to find something that brings you peace, if you lost your job, use this as an opportunity to hone in on a skill that you may have an create an income for yourself. Try to discover what you truly love, surround yourself with positive things and interact with positive and uplifting people; you may not be able to physically meet but text, call, skype, stay in touch with those who bring you joy. Don't let depression be the end of your story. Know that things will get better and that you can overcome. Most importantly, do not be afraid to ask for or seek help if you need it; find your happy place, whatever that may be for you and know that this too shall pass.

Break Free Poem

 Isn't that what we all desire 

To be able to break away from the bondage we're in 
To be able to lift our heads high once again 
And smile because we want to, and not out of obligation? 
When will the sun move from behind the clouds, 
And the rain stop falling? 
When will my rainbow come out to tell me it'll be okay? 
When will I learn to love...to be loved. To trust? 
When will I be able to look pass my past and into the future? 
When will I be able to see you for who you are 
and not who I want you to be? 
When will I be able to see myself and love me for me 
and not be trapped in a web of make belief? 
When will I break free from friends and loved ones 
and live life for me and not them? 
I've followed for so many years and now I've had enough. 
Will I ever be able to lead and not follow? 
Will I ever be able to define myself? 
I want my morning to turn into dancing instead of mourning, 
And my days to be filled with joy and not sadness. 
All I want is to break free. 
Break free from the oppression and the depression, 
The anger and the hatred, 
The pain and the hurt. 
How bad do I want it? 
I want it so bad that I'm determined to try and not give up. 
And one day I'll be able to say that, 
I broke away and I am free. 

Hey guys! I decided to share another one of my poems for this post. If you enjoy it, please consider using the link below and purchasing a copy of my poetry book. Please feel free to leave a comment below and to share my blog! Until my next post, stay safe everyone! 💙


How to find true happiness

 Someone once told me to be hurt is something that is inexorable,

and I must agree, although it took me a while to truly see.

For we can never truly live if we have not experienced pain,

we can never appreciate joy without rain.

What a boring world it would be if we never experienced trials,

and our days showered only by sunshine.

Pain teaches us to open ourselves to risks, 

to the possibility that we may end up so broken,

we may never be the same again....

It teaches us to feel....to truly feel....deeply.

It teaches that life is meant to be experienced, not to be run from,

but above all, it teaches us to truly love,

to love beyond the hurt, love beyond the fears,

it teaches us the meaning of true happiness.

Sharing another one of my poetry pieces with you guys. If you enjoy, please consider purchasing my poetry book which is now available on Amazon. You can use the link below or purchase directly from my page. Enjoy and stay tuned for my next blog post! :)


Hiding behind Bravados Poem


I live in a world where people live behind bravados,
they all pretend to be something they're not.
We have friends, 
but the word is used so loosely.
These friends laugh and talk with you,
share your secrets,
and when you are not there,
share them with others.
We call people hypocrites,
but aren't we ourselves not the biggest hypocrites of all?
We tell people we love them,
but the love has certain limitations.
Trust and faith in others is something we no longer have,
we've been hurt too many times,
so to avoid it we hide,
believing that if we love less and trust less,
Man can't hurt us.
But doesn't hurt and pain always find a way into our lives?
To believe in love and to trust people,
is a step not many can take,
but for those who do find that the secret to life,
isn't about what is expected,
but about learning to face the rain,
and realising that the sun always comes out again.

Written by & dedicated to Melanie. Continue to shine down on me 💓

Ways to cope during a global pandemic

I know for all of us, 2020 has been a very challenging year to say the least, so I just wanted to bring a little positivity and a few ways that you can take care of your mental health and care for yourself. I know many persons, for instance, would have lost their jobs due to the global pandemic and that would have been devasting; my first tip in this instance, would be to pick yourself back up and learn a new skill. I know there are many things you would now be worried about now that you are unemployed, such as bill payments etc. but use this time to learn something new or upgrade your current skills. Many countries are offering resources, free trainings etc. research and see if your city is offering any of these resources and take advantage of them. On the other hand, most persons are just feeling depressed because life has changed so drastically, so here are some ways you can take care of your mental health. You may not be able to go out and do things you enjoy, but you can be creative and find ways to create a sense of peace and stability in your daily routine. Firstly, I would strongly recommend journaling, it helps you get all your thoughts and feelings out, and is very therapeutic. Secondly, exercise. Go for walks, go for runs, do yoga, dance, create a workout routine, it will definitely help you through this difficult time. If you enjoy art, why not draw or paint? Purchase an adult colouring book, these can be very relaxing, try it! Thirdly, music, music, music! Nothing is more therapeutic than music, so why not create a playlist of your favourite songs and rock out! I would also recommend doing something you have always been wanting to do, like starting a new business venture or taking a new course, it will keep you busy and productively distracted from the chaos that is happening right now. Lastly, spend time with people who bring you joy and peace, whether be it be movie nights at home or a picnic in the backyard. Overall, you need to find activities and things that bring you solace, things that will keep your mind in a positive space. Please feel free to share in the comments below ways you have been coping during the pandemic, and let's help each other out! Stay tuned for my next blog post :)

Self Care ideas during a pandemic

Throughout this journey called life, poetry has always brought me solace, so I have beautifully created this adult colouring book that is the perfect combination of poetry and art for your ultimate self care activity. Join me on this journey of poetry and relaxation! You can purchase the paperback version on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08KBQS9MX Or purchase the ebook version below :) -A man who walks is one who takes time to smell the roses- Enjoy!!

Empowering Black Women

From your pores flow confidence, excellence, resilence.... when you enter a room you command attention, the way you exude radiance and speak with intelligence....greatness is undeniably embedded in your DNA, Black Queen you're a force to be reckoned with. Follow me Black Queens on this journey to revolutionize and embrace the GREATNESS that is and will always be Black Women. Grab this lifechanging book below and be reminded how AMAZING you are! This book is also available in paperback on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08KBKRJ2F

This book should be in your Amazon cart

As she sat at her desk, another dreaded 8 hours ahead, all she could think of was where she wanted to be next, as she dreamt of endless adventures. Oh how she loved the hustle and bustle of airports, the happy hellos, and sorrowful goodbyes, the hugs, the cries, and tears of joy. The smell of coffee in the airport lounge, as persons awaited those early morning flights. The chit and chatter, that bubbling feeling of anticipation, as the intercom roared, you are now boarding your flight! Oh how she longed to feel that thrill, as she mounted those stairs, as the plane revved up and roared down the runway… Off to somewhere new, new sights, new scenes, new faces, the excitement was all in the NEW. Somewhere where no one knew her, where the world of new experiences awaited her… Oh how she longed to escape those four walls… this dreaded place of confinement… To somewhere her soul could finally breathe again, that’s all she wanted….an ESCAPE.


 ....and then one day she woke up and realized that that sinking feeling had depleted, that the sadness and longing she felt no longer exist...