Hiding behind Bravados Poem


I live in a world where people live behind bravados,
they all pretend to be something they're not.
We have friends, 
but the word is used so loosely.
These friends laugh and talk with you,
share your secrets,
and when you are not there,
share them with others.
We call people hypocrites,
but aren't we ourselves not the biggest hypocrites of all?
We tell people we love them,
but the love has certain limitations.
Trust and faith in others is something we no longer have,
we've been hurt too many times,
so to avoid it we hide,
believing that if we love less and trust less,
Man can't hurt us.
But doesn't hurt and pain always find a way into our lives?
To believe in love and to trust people,
is a step not many can take,
but for those who do find that the secret to life,
isn't about what is expected,
but about learning to face the rain,
and realising that the sun always comes out again.

Written by & dedicated to Melanie. Continue to shine down on me 💓


  1. I really love the poem!!!! What poem says is so true! One of the hardest things in life is facing the possibility of the rain again so the sun can come out! Thank you for sharing!!!!!

    1. I'm so happy you enjoyed it! This one is very dear to me. You're most welcome!

  2. I enjoyed this and I am not usually a "poem kinda guy" whatever that means.

    1. So happy you enjoyed it ! Thank you for reading :)



 ....and then one day she woke up and realized that that sinking feeling had depleted, that the sadness and longing she felt no longer exist...