Ways to cope during a global pandemic

I know for all of us, 2020 has been a very challenging year to say the least, so I just wanted to bring a little positivity and a few ways that you can take care of your mental health and care for yourself. I know many persons, for instance, would have lost their jobs due to the global pandemic and that would have been devasting; my first tip in this instance, would be to pick yourself back up and learn a new skill. I know there are many things you would now be worried about now that you are unemployed, such as bill payments etc. but use this time to learn something new or upgrade your current skills. Many countries are offering resources, free trainings etc. research and see if your city is offering any of these resources and take advantage of them. On the other hand, most persons are just feeling depressed because life has changed so drastically, so here are some ways you can take care of your mental health. You may not be able to go out and do things you enjoy, but you can be creative and find ways to create a sense of peace and stability in your daily routine. Firstly, I would strongly recommend journaling, it helps you get all your thoughts and feelings out, and is very therapeutic. Secondly, exercise. Go for walks, go for runs, do yoga, dance, create a workout routine, it will definitely help you through this difficult time. If you enjoy art, why not draw or paint? Purchase an adult colouring book, these can be very relaxing, try it! Thirdly, music, music, music! Nothing is more therapeutic than music, so why not create a playlist of your favourite songs and rock out! I would also recommend doing something you have always been wanting to do, like starting a new business venture or taking a new course, it will keep you busy and productively distracted from the chaos that is happening right now. Lastly, spend time with people who bring you joy and peace, whether be it be movie nights at home or a picnic in the backyard. Overall, you need to find activities and things that bring you solace, things that will keep your mind in a positive space. Please feel free to share in the comments below ways you have been coping during the pandemic, and let's help each other out! Stay tuned for my next blog post :)


  1. I wanted to say thank you for all of these tips. It is a big help right now! I find walking and writing the best way to deal with what is going on. Clears the mind 9f the negativity!

    1. You are most welcome! So happy I could help, we are all in this together. Stay strong!



 ....and then one day she woke up and realized that that sinking feeling had depleted, that the sadness and longing she felt no longer exist...